Treasure Island

J.L. Mann High School Academy presented its Spring 2007 play, Robert Louis Stevenson's TREASURE ISLAND adapted by Ara Watson: April 13 (7:30 PM), 14 (7:30 PM), 15 (3 PM), 19 (7:30 PM), & 20 (7:30 PM) in the J.L. Mann High School Auditorium. "One boy's thrilling adventure in search of buried treasure on a distant and mysterious island...complete with stolen map, pirates, swashbuckling battles, betrayal, and the infamous Long John Silver, who just may be the 'devil himself!'"

Sunday, April 08, 2007

I really like our lights. They're going to look great. Eric Harrell of Productions Unlimited is just the greatest event sound/lighting guy I've ever worked with. He's smart, professional, kind...not at all the know-it-all tech geek who's more concerned with you knowing how much he/she knows than helping you make your show/event be the best it can be.

Eric brought in four super-cool robot lights for the show. These guys are massive...they look like upside down astromech droids, actually (now who's the tech geek, huh?). And each one can throw light and color all over the stage/Auditorium. I was able to light the show with these R2 units and about two dozen traditional lighting instruments--quite an acomplishment.

Hope you see the show...and if you're reading this post-performance, I hope you realized just how much a little bit of lighting technology can bring to a live event.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say, having photographed play after play, concert after concert, over the years, that the lighting makes or breaks the photograper's effort. This lighting was simply the best, allowing the correct mood to be properly set for each scene. Especially the use of the blue for the nighttime scenes on the deck. You will see...... So thanks fo yoru freind for helping you out with this..


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