Treasure Island

J.L. Mann High School Academy presented its Spring 2007 play, Robert Louis Stevenson's TREASURE ISLAND adapted by Ara Watson: April 13 (7:30 PM), 14 (7:30 PM), 15 (3 PM), 19 (7:30 PM), & 20 (7:30 PM) in the J.L. Mann High School Auditorium. "One boy's thrilling adventure in search of buried treasure on a distant and mysterious island...complete with stolen map, pirates, swashbuckling battles, betrayal, and the infamous Long John Silver, who just may be the 'devil himself!'"

Sunday, April 01, 2007

The more I participate in the art of collaborative imagination, the more I realize that the real genius of creation lies in the editing. Once all the ideas, notions, hopes, and dreams are on the table, the process of chipping away...paring back begins. To me, this is the ultimate job of any theatre director: knowing what to cut away, what to keep.

TREASURE ISLAND has entered into the editing phase. Today marks eleven days from opening night, and the process of simplifying is in full swing.
As a collaborative artist on the team, I ask that you keep this in mind...that you not hold on too tightly to your personal "favorite things." Artistic maturity requires selflessness and trust.

I promise you, every edit I make is for a reason...a really good reason...a reason that has less to do with you as an individual, everything to do with our team...our play being the best it can possibly be.

It's time to slaughter some of our sacred cows. Think you can stomach it?


Blogger Jay said...

This is like in office space when they hire the consultants.

"ask yourself 'Is this best for the company'"


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